英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:05:28
  • 网络解释

1. be innocent of在线翻译

1. 无罪的:be inferior to 比...差 superior to | be innocent of 无罪的 | in the interests of 符合...的利益

2. 清白的,无辜的:be inferior to 劣于,(地位等)低于---- | be innocent of 清白的,无辜的 | be jealous of 妒嫉-----,注意提防的

3. be innocent of

3. 没有...罪:*innocent a. 清白的,无罪的 | be innocent of 没有...罪 | *illegal a. 非法的,不合法的

4. 无罪的,无辜的:398.inform sb. of sth.通知,告诉 | 399.be innocent of无罪的,无辜的 | 400.insist on 坚持要

It would all be innocent enough—20 minutes of busy work—except it comes attached to a personal essay.(这再简单不过了,除了要附加一篇个人论文,其余工作只需忙碌20分钟(就可以搞定)。)
A lot of his organization's clients thought they were going to be let off because they were innocent.(他的机构的相当多委托人都曾认为自己会被无罪释放。)
In Tripoli, where most people believe Mr. al-Megrahi to be innocent, the streets were 'full of happy people, ' said Said Laswad, editor of the Tripoli Post, a local English-language newspaper.(的黎波里当地英文报纸《的黎波里邮报》(TripoliPost)编辑拉斯沃德(SaidLaswad)表示,的黎波里大多数人都相信迈格拉希是无辜的,得知他被释放的消息后,当地街道上满是欢庆的人群。)
Beyond this, his youth must be innocent of crime and chaste, his conduct irreproachable and his hands stainless.(通过这些,他的青春,将是贞洁的而不会充满犯罪,他的行为将是无可非难的,他的手将不会有任何污点。)
However pure and sincere we may be, we all bear upon our candor the crack of the little, innocent lie.(无论我们是怎样诚挚、忠实、纯洁,在我们的良心上,大家总有一些小小的、不足为害的谎话的裂痕。)
Otherwise, due to the fear of endless compensation, they may choose to discard the injured within the most effective curing time or even kill them, causing more innocent lives to be lost.(否则由于惧怕无底的赔偿,他们选择抛弃伤者,延误了最佳的治疗时间,甚至进一步杀死伤者,造成更多的无辜的生命的丧失。)
That's if you want to be really honest with yourself. You could always take the safe, comfortable, seemingly innocent life of Not Yet.(如果你真的想对自己诚实,你可以总过“还没”的安全、舒适并且似乎无知的生活。)
Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent, but the tests that have to be applied to them are not, of course, the same in all cases.(对圣人的判断应该永远使用有罪推定,不过,对圣人的测验方法当然不能一成不变。)
Dozens of innocent civilians will be killed in the crossfire.(数十名无辜平民会在交火中丧生。)
With a new sense of awe he looked at the frank forehead, serious eyes and gay innocent mouth of the young creature whose soul's custodian he was to be.(他带着一种敬畏的新感觉注视着她那坦诚的前额、庄重的眼睛,以及天真快乐的嘴巴。)
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